Difference Between Domain Authority and Page authority – Best Domain and Web Hosting Company in Bangladesh
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Difference Between Domain Authority and Page authority

Difference Between Domain Authority and Page authority

Domain authority and page authority are the new buzzwords on the internet. If you are new to content marketing and business, you must know the difference between these terms.

Domain authority is considered a holy grail for webmasters, as it elevates their online business to a soaring height.

Are you familiar with these terms and desire to increase your understanding? Hold on to this article as I will update your knowledge regarding the DA and PA of your website.

Let’s understand what does authority on a website means?

Authority is a major concept in the business world. If your brand becomes an authority in its industry, it will automatically be the topmost brand in marketing.

In a real-world scenario, authority means you are a person having a sound grip on something. So whenever a person finds an issue, they would come to your to resolve it because they know you have authority in this field.

The same goes for high authoritative websites. They are trusted and frequently referred to as authoritative sources of information.
Such websites gain an awesome number of readers and also a good ranking on search engine results.

How you can make your website authoritative?

Websites are often seen through the lens of SEO and ranking on SERPs. This is the sole purpose of any website in the world.

Because this refers to the intention behind building any website on the internet. You have developed a website so that you can rank it on the first page to get more traffic. This traffic then converts into revenue.

Google is the leading search engine and most people use it to search queries based on keywords. To make your business flourish, you need to implement search engine optimization.

Google has specified some guidelines and has updated its algorithms and to get away with them you need to follow them.

Can authority be calculated by a score?

Many companies like Moz have developed their own scale on which they can allocate a number generally referred to as a score to check your website’s authority.

Moz has provided domain authority and page authority as authority scores of your website and webpages respectively.

But do these scores developed by Moz or other companies validate your website’s authority?

The answer is not a straightforward one because these scores somehow gauge SEO and search engine ranking factors therefore they may affect ranking and authority in some way.

We will discuss their effect but first, you should know what they are?

Explaining both terms by definition:


1. Defining Domain Authority:

It is a predictive score that tells how your website will rank on Google. Its score only tells the chances of your website appearing in the search results when someone searches against a keyword.

Its score ranges between 1 to 100 with a low ranking website getting a score near 1 and a high ranking website getting higher scores.

You can check your website Domain Authority by using DAPA checker.


Defining Domain Authority

2. Defining Page authority:

Page authority is also a score that tells the likelihood of your page ranking in Google’s search results. It refers to a single webpage score and tries to identify page worth.

How do these scores determine the real authority of a website?

DA score is governed by machine learning algorithms that seek to determine the number of times your website appears in search results.

Based on this, coupled with some other factors it provides a score between 1 to 100. This score is not arbitrarily rather it is allocated after thorough checking of linking domains and backlinks.

Moreover, Moz checks your website quality content, valuable linking profile, and social signals to determine a score.

These scores should always be seen as related to your competitor’s score. If your score is less than theirs then you have low DA and if it’s higher even a single number then your DA is high.

Prepostseo DA checker may be a unique and more reliable tool because it permits you to see 500 URLs at just one occasion . then , you’ll mapped out the outcomes easily. This free tool can check many websites daily. Additionally, it also provides you with the choice of downloading a report after you’ve got done checking domain authority score of your website.


DA PA Checker


So one thing is clear, you do not need to get obsessed with scores. For example, if your score is 20 and your competitor’s score is 21 it’s enough for you. You do not have to make your score near 90 to outrank your business rivals.

These scores check all the necessary SEO ranking factors of a website to predict your website’s position therefore they are important to keep track of your progress.

Difference between DA and PA:

Although there isn’t much difference between both terms, they identify two different entities. Domain authority is related to the whole website and page authority is associated with only a webpage.

A website has only one domain so it gets only one DA score whereas, a website contains plenty of web pages so each webpage has a page authority score.

These scores are logarithmic which means each factor contributing to it must be improved to get a website rank.

DA score predicts how well your website will perform whereas, the PA score tells the prediction of how good your webpages are for ranking.

Each single webpage score affects the overall DA score. So we can say that the PA score of an individual webpage is a building block of domain authority score.

Thus to increase DA you need to increase page authority. DA and PA can be increased by building quality links to your websites and improving the quality of your content.

Moreover, some technical factors like mobile-friendliness and site speed also affect your domain authority score. So, you should try to improve all these factors.

Summing up:

Domain authority and page authority are considered some measuring factors as they provide predictive scores of your website performance.

But you should not be obsessed with these factors because they are not the exact answer to your ranking question.

Google PageRank is, however, a better factor to rely on. Moreover, Moz factors only check 40 signals which is comparatively much less than Google because it takes account of 200 factors to determine rank.

You should use them with other SEO factors to just get an idea of your website’s position and to make appropriate changes from time to time. In this way, these scores may help you.